This registration is for a one day No Regrets simulcast men's ministry event held at Open Door Bible Church in Port Washington, Wisconsin. It is intended for guys (high school and older). Doors open at 7:30am the morning of the event and the first session begins at 8am. This event concludes at 1pm.
This registration and fee is for one person only and is intended to cover the cost of the event, coffee, donuts, and snacks through out the morning. Every person attending must register. Registration closes on January 29. Seats limited so register today!
We hope you can make it!
This registration is for a one day No Regrets simulcast men's ministry event held at Open Door Bible Church in Port Washington, Wisconsin. It is intended for guys (high school and older). Doors open at 7:30am the morning of the event and the first session begins at 8am. This event concludes at 1pm.
This registration and fee is for one person only and is intended to cover the cost of the event, coffee, donuts, and snacks through out the morning. Every person attending must register. Registration closes on January 29. Seats limited so register today!
We hope you can make it!